Character: Orihime Inoue
Series: Bleach
Version: CH 427 cover
Debut: Ikkicon 2011

A few months before Ikkicon Bleach had a time skip and reintroduced everyone with new looks. In Chapter 427 Orihime made her triumphant debut and she was graced with the chapter’s cover illustration. The artwork was impossibly cute, and it provided a lot of creative freedom since it was in black and white and only showed the waist up. I was unsure about making my own interpretation until I contacted an old friend to ask if she would be interested in taking some photos at Hey Cupcake, an Austin food truck residing in an air stream with a giant cupcake on top. It was the perfect setting for a bakery themed shoot and she was excited to take some photos. That sold me and I decided to make this costume for Ikkicon.

When deciding on a color pallet and design I wanted something classic, cute and simple. I opted for a two tier gathered skirt and a pink and sax color pallet. Hey Cupcake’s colors were a baby pink and brown so I knew the colors I had selected would complement their trailer. Shooting off site at a food truck is pretty interesting. Since it was new years weekend they were closed but I had no less than 20 people ask me if I knew when they would open or if they were closed. Some of them thought I worked there.

Photos: BosCos, stacefacesans