Character: Anarchy Panty
Series: Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
Version: School Uniform
Debut: Ikkicon 2012

Confession, when Panty & Stocking first came out I rushed a very bad default red dress Panty, wore it to Oni-con and then never touched it again. It was pretty bad. The thing is, while I was very unhappy with the way that rush job turned out I was not done cosplaying Panty. I’ve wanted to do the school uniform version for quite some time but I was never satisfied with any of the plaid I was able to find. I’ve been checking fabric stores ever since the show aired. I finally found a plaid I could be proud of and was finally able to tick this one off my list.

The skirt is made with a flannel, and since the fabric was very thin I faced it with a bottom weight twill and lined it. Now it has a lot of structure. The patch is stenciled and satin stitched to a piece of felt. I pin it onto the shirt so that it can be easily washed (and worn for other things). The socks are hand painted using masking tape and some canned goods. You just stretch the sock over a can, tape it off and paint. I did have to do some touch ups on my body because the socks were not quite stretched enough. In the future I’ll go for a family sized can I guess.

Backlace (Panty’s gun) is made using lots and lots of foam. I used insulation and upholstery foam for the base and covered it with craft foam. I then put many many layers of wood glue over the whole thing to strengthen it and smooth it out.

Chuck was patterned by me (with a bit of help from my husband). Plushie making is rather difficult but I could not pass up the opportunity to lug this dumb dog around all day.

Photos: A.L.P. Photography, Brent LaVelle