Since I am switching from writing strictly about cosplay to trying to expand and write about other nerdy endeavors I decided to participate in 5 Fandom Fridays and use the prompts to get inspired. I don’t think I’ll make this a weekly habit, but you can expect to see it from time to time. I hope you enjoy! It should be fun ?

This weeks prompt is: Fandoms You LOVE But Didn’t Think You Would!

5) The X-Files

When the X-Files began it’s run in the 90’s I was eight years old. I don’t think I actually started watching it regularly until I was closer to 10-12 but I was a paranoid kid (I’m talking insomnia induced because I thought a doll came to life at night paranoid) so I still wonder how I managed to get through a show about ghosts and aliens and MOtW. I did it thought, and religiously watched every Sunday until Agent Mulder left and I couldn’t look at Agent Doget’s face without wanting to yell at him. The X-Files was actually a family affair at my house, my Dad is the one who picked up the show and introduced the rest of us to it. When FX started airing older episodes he made my Grandmother tape them so we could all catch up together. Remember kids, this was before DVRs existed. I wonder if there’s a box of VHS tapes full of early X-files episodes somewhere in his attic to this day?

4) MCU

It’s not that I don’t enjoy super hero movies, I’ve seen a lot of them. It’s not like I wasn’t passingly interested in some of the early MCU offerings. I just never expected to fall hard and fast for the entire franchise. I’m not a comic book fan, I don’t keep up with comics at all. My knowledge of superheros is mostly gleaned from friends and pop culture so when I go into a comic movie I’m just looking for a good movie. BOY does Marvel make a good movie. At this point I will see anything Marvel puts out regardless of whether or not I’m familiar with the characters. Can I just say I am SO READY to see Civil War!!!

3) Yu Yu Hakusho

Back when Adult Swim was first a thing they had a Saturday night Anime block. As a fairly fresh fan of anime I would watch pretty much anything that came on cable TV, you couldn’t legally access things like you can today. This is how I came to find Yu Yu Hakusho. In the first 2 minutes of the first episode the main character dies. Where can you possibly go from there?! I had to know. The answer is on a long and epic journey that involves a lot of fighting demons. I watched every Saturday, but it was up to the whims of what they would Air on TV. On the third or fourth start of reruns I gave up and started buying DVD releases. I believe I probably invested 400 dollars to finish this series, WORTH IT. Of course now you can watch the whole series streaming on funimation’s website with a membership. Bless the future.

2) School-Live

At first glance School-Live looks like a cute slice of life school anime about 4 girls. IT IS NOT! I don’t want to go into a ton of detail because if you don’t know the plot I don’t want to spoil it for you. What I can tell you is I watched all 12 episodes in 2 days, then turned around and re-watched it immediately. There are subtle hints you miss the first go around so this is a series you can keep re-watching and find something new every time. If you give it a shot and you aren’t hooked by the end of episode one then it might not be for you…but I don’t know how anyone couldn’t be. You can catch this one streaming on Crunchyroll.

1) iZombie

I’m not a Zombie fan but I gave iZombie a shot anyway and WOW am glad I did. iZombie is not really about Zombies though, it’s basically a crime drama with a dash of personal drama. The characters are complex and relatable, even the Zombies. It has so many elements of things I know I like, I was just put off by the Zombies for a while. I finally decided to try it out because I had heard it was good and I ended up bingeing the first season in 4 days. Thanks Netflix.

So there you have it, 5 Fandoms I LOVE but didn’t think I would! Do you have an unexpected fandom? I want to hear about it, comment or tweet me!