Every year after Americans have feasted on turkeys and mashed potatoes and pies the retail world goes completely crazy and pushes some of the biggest sales of the year. Some people are completely dedicated to finding the best deal during black friday sales while others would rather hunker down at home to avoid massive droves of holiday shoppers. Regardless of where you fall, if you are a cosplayer there are some pretty incredible deals out there you could be taking advantage of. Below is a comprehensive list of Black Friday sale ads for cosplay relevant retailers:

Highlights from these sales include:

  • 60% off bottom weights, interfacing, knits and linings at Joann’s
  • $19.99 shop vac and $49.99 basic brother sewing machine at wal-mart
  • $1.99 flannel, $.99 netting and $2.99 moleskin at Hancocks

In addition to these released sales you can keep your eye out for retailers announcing sales throughout the week. Following social media is the best way to stay on top of new sale announcements. Sephora will be announcing sales all week on snap chat and instagram. Epic Cosplay Wigs has made statements that their sale information is coming soon. Dolluxe is currently offering free lashes with a wig purchase though Thanksgiving day and will hopefully be announcing a Black Friday sale soon as well.

Shopping on Black Friday requires a plan of action! Depending on where and when you go crowds may be intense. If you have someone who is willing to brave the sales with you a shopping buddy can be a lifesaver. You can tag team and split up to make sure you both get what you are looking for. It’s also best to have a detailed list of everything you are after, and if you are planning on going after fabric try to go on a scouting mission to see what your local store has in stock. You don’t want to waste time looking for items on sale day. Also be sure to know exactly when your stores are opening and when the sale starts. Joann’s Black Friday sales actually start on Wednesday this year and many stores are open on Thanksgiving day. If braving the crowds is just not something you want to deal with you can still pick up deals shopping online. Many stores offer incentive coupons to get you into a physical location but you can still pick up massive savings even without those.

I will be keeping this list accurate and up to date leading up to Friday. If you have a suggestion for an addition please comment below or tweet me @catchans