In January I attended my local Lolita community’s New Years event. The theme was circus so I went with a circus bear coord. I made some accessories to complement the theme and my coordinate, mainly the circus bear headpiece and matching fur arm cuffs. These paired with an existing vintage stole I already owned to help sell the furry brown bear theme I was going for.

Outfit Breakdown:
Wig: Arda Wigs
Stole: Vintage
Accessories: Handmade
Blouse: Altered Offbrand
Skirt: Angelic Pretty
Socks: Bodyline
Shoes: Vintage
Necklace: Angelic Pretty

I worked with a pallet of mainly brown and red with pops of the pink from the print in the skirt. I gravitate to this skirt a lot when wearing Lolita and I think it’s because I find red an easy color to work with. Overall I am pretty happy with this coordinate, especially since I didn’t really have anything default “circus” and had to get creative. Coording for a theme was a fun challenge!